Other Exchange Blogs

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Here I am GERMANY!!!

 A Journey of a lifetime...has already begun.
It's official! I'm 16 and going to Germany
On Friday I departed California for Maryland (nicknamed the Old Line State.) After two flights; No complementary beverage, and a seat by the plane's engine : ( I arrived at BWI and was swiftly greeted by my grandparents! After grabbing my luggage we headed to their house (about 20-30 minutes away) where two of my cousins awaited my arrival  (Chris who I haven't seen in almost 2 years and Alena). After catching up with all of them, Chris and I sat around an chatted for a bit (as growing cousins do). I whatsapped with my Mom and a few group mates until I finally fell asleep at about 3:00 am (the result of sleeping through both plane rides.)

On Saturday I woke up to a nice breakfast (bacon, eggs & biscuits) I headed to the outlet mall with my Uncle A.T and cousins for a bit. When we returned I relaxed watched a bit of tennis, I was then surprised to see My other cousins Tonya and Tiesha (Thanks for stopping by to see me Guys).  It was soon time to get ready to head to the hotel, where I met the rest of the group. (Hugs and kisses for my Grandparents, who we're quite ready to let me leave.)  After our group meeting we had sometime to catch up and next thing I know it was time for lights out.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had a room all to myself, a little lonely but swweet!!  I spoke of a bit with my family back at home hoping that it would make me tired but no such luck my nerves were getting the best of me. 

It's flying time.....
What a long day ahead.  0730 wake up call, breakfast then all of us were headed to the airport of our preinternational boarding and security check in.  I managed to get some calls off before boarding time including my Nanny (I'll be just fine).  Yes, I did it guys I wanted until the very last minute to send a few text messages to My sister (love her!!) 

In flight map of my Atlantic Ocean Journey
What a view!!
*  Fun Fact: Does the sun really set even when your flying? 

After hours and hours of travel I have arrived in Germany and will attend language camp, Stay tuned for my German Adventures!!

As always, I Thank you for your support!!                   

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