Other Exchange Blogs

Friday, August 29, 2014


As promised followers, I'm back again today, 

Soo our 15euro ( 20 dollars) field trip took us to Thale (Located in the Harz mountains)

Once we arrived we took a cablecar ride to the top, to a place known as Hexentanzplatz (witches dance floor) everything was so green.  It was crazy how high up we were, you could see for miles...

I know, I should have taken a photo of me in it! I can tell you that the view was GREAT.
I told you the view was GREAT

We watched a play Treasure Island during our time there (Thale has one of the oldest Theatre in Germany) After the play we had a bit of free time so some of us deceided to explore a bit.  I brought 2 tubs of honey cream and good ole honey (for my tea) as a matter of fact they were sold by an older husband & wife. (you know a local couple)

Treasure Island @ Harz Mountain Theatre
die kiefer (Pine trees)
der honig (honey)
Tell me what?? You see
** Important to note....  Hartz National Park was once prohibited because of the Soviet occupation, however today it is a protected area where the wildlife is thriving. 

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