Other Exchange Blogs

Monday, June 29, 2015

All Hope is not lost

Despite a rough stretch of bad luck upon my return to the states (stolen camera bag, having to break into my suitcase because they key to my lock was in my camera bag, and missing my first and seconds flights back home home due to an East Coast Storm) I believe things are finally turning around for me,Well,except the fact that summer camp is delayed for 2 weeks due to a wildfire in the mountains. Anyways, there are a few positives: the university messages keep coming in, I have been invited to attend a Youth-Leadership-Conference for a few days in July, and I am making great progress with my online psychology class. I've also even brought a little bit of drizzle with me xD.

The blog is up and running once again:)

Thanks everyone and greetings from the West Coast

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