Other Exchange Blogs

Monday, June 29, 2015

All Hope is not lost

Despite a rough stretch of bad luck upon my return to the states (stolen camera bag, having to break into my suitcase because they key to my lock was in my camera bag, and missing my first and seconds flights back home home due to an East Coast Storm) I believe things are finally turning around for me,Well,except the fact that summer camp is delayed for 2 weeks due to a wildfire in the mountains. Anyways, there are a few positives: the university messages keep coming in, I have been invited to attend a Youth-Leadership-Conference for a few days in July, and I am making great progress with my online psychology class. I've also even brought a little bit of drizzle with me xD.

The blog is up and running once again:)

Thanks everyone and greetings from the West Coast

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Google error

Hey folks,,unfortunately in the process of me deleting my photos this new google photos/video app thing it also affected my blog. Considering this week/weekend I will be in Berlin: I unfortunately have no way or time to fix it... sorry for the inconvenience:(  Technology just wasn't on my side... luckily I still have all my originals; however my blog has taken a hit

Monday, June 8, 2015


The Capital of and oldest city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (since 1018) The Palace one used by the Dukes of Mecklenburg now serves as the city hall (pretty nice place to call an office ahhah.) The city also has a interesting ww2 history: it suffered little damage and was taken by the Americans who turned it over to the British who in turn gave it soviets  which then became East Germany and following the fall of the fall Schwerin became the Capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern which was re-established as a State following German reunification.


HH. For those who don't know Hamburg is a city state in Germany ahah. It is said to have the most bridges of any European city at about 2500 in total. Hamburg is also reclaiming and creating Islands alongside a new cruise terminal with hopes or receiving an Olympic bid in the coming years. The amount of shipping is also down substantially due to todays ships becoming larger by the day and the Elbe river being too shallow and not deepened due to environmental fears/wildlife impacts.

Last School day

Well,. First off I would like to say that I could have asked for a better school or group of teachers and classmates to support me this year. Whether it was a daily hi or handshake, my tablemates who were always willing to attempt to translate words if I couldn't understand them or allow me to work with them on group work. The teachers who graded my Tests "egal wie schlimm," that wouldn't mind  clearing task for me or even asking me about my holidays or time in general. My great group of friends who invited me to birthday parties and those who let me tag along in Amsterdam and have a heck of a time both in the city and in the room at night. Lastly, because this could go on for quite some time although it was sad, thanks to my awsome History class who sang "Auld Lang Syne" for.

I thank you!

Nice walk in the park

The Belvedere on the Pfingstberg was supposed to be a Casino, however due the Kings death it was unfinished.

95 Thesis

For a little day trip as the clock almost strikes 12, this Sunday my HM and I were able to drive about 40km to Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt (where Martin Luther nailed the 95 Thesis to the doors of a church) and walk around the small city which lies on the Elbe. Although we couldn't view everything due to renovations for the 2017 celebrations (500 anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Revolution) The trip was not in vain:)

Camping and the Sächsische Schweiz

Over Pfingsten  (a holiday in Germany) which occurs around the same time as Memorial day in the States. As we had the following Monday free, I was able to join a older group of German Scouts and spend the weekend with them in Hohnstein, Saxony and I mean we camped in group teepees, not to mention the campfires that were free and allowed us to sing what/whenever till 3am ahah. Lots of fun:)