Other Exchange Blogs

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Oops, Break Begins Next Week

Well, the title says it all. This whole time I was under the impression that our Oktober break began this week (Yes, even with my planner and mobile calender I still got my dates mixed up.) So I actually have one more week until it begins. Also I was going for a nice auburn color to write this blog due to the season but.. I couldn't find it xD

This past week hasn't been too crazy and I've had plenty of time to study and reflect on my time here thus far.  Thursday was the school "Probierstube" aka talent show and it was probably one of the best showcases and definitely one of the most organized I have seen. Even though it took place in such a small area (our cafeteria) which is another reason on top of the increasing amount of staff and students that the school is once again expanding its campus and in the process of constructing another building. The show amazed mostly due to the musical talent for example 5th graders who were playing Bach or watching a middle school'er play the harp or even just the three eleventh graders that killed their drumming performance which got everything short of a standing ovation. *The way that most Americans (the continent) are active in sports from a young age is the same way many Germans grow up perfecting an art for example: Dance and piano are the most popular.

Friday was a trip to movies with my host-dad where we watched "Gone Girl," I am not a Ben Affleck fan by any means however for him: the film was decent... I'd give it a 2.5/5. Also concessions cost much more here than back home, I'm talking 12 Euro for a small drink and medium popcorn and even more if you replace that popcorn with a nacho! Following this we grabbed a little late night bite at the restaurant just 3 minutes away

My solo trip to Park Sansoucci was pretty eventful. I mean what can beat walking in the wrong direction to the wrong Palace (snapping pictures along the way,) encountering two classmates on a date, Finally making it to the park and being asked to take pics of a couple who took (2 horrible pics of me (i didn't find that out until later as my battery was almost dead, and then asked for a picture with me) not to mention encountering a drunk American (soooo loud and he really got on the UNESCO workers nerves especially after asking to leave the kitchen tour early because he was about to pee himself.) On top of this, I walked the wrong way which put me on a journey at night walking around the park which is basically a 3 palaces spread by a few miles in a giant forest, and eventually I made it to a bus stop having scaled the university apartment area and ran through a meadow (The things you do to watch a soccer game!) However this wasn't enough for the soccer gods as Germany lost to Poland 2-0 which made history as Poland got its first win over Germany. Soo far this has to be one of my best days in Germany and has been a major confidence builder.

I guess you can said I walked the royal's way

Relevance to Versailles and Louis XVI in any way?

Next up, maybe meeting up with a fellow CBYX'r in Berlin for his birthday party

Stay tuned! and if any of yall want to Skype, you know to set it up through mama bear! 

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