Other Exchange Blogs

Friday, January 24, 2020

What's a break without fresh air?

 It is natural for us humans to become complacent with our lives, the people, and the opportunities at our disposal. This behavior is innate and completely understandable. Think about it, if you saw a [beach] everyday, you may not view it with the excitement of someone who grew up days away from the ocean. This is not due to a lack of appreciation, but rather because [it] was at your becking call, [it] was easily... accessible.
Take a chance and try something new, you never know what awaits

I think many of us can agree that humans are often habitual creatures. More often then not, our lives get busy and we find comfort in our routines. The increasingly fast-paced, urbanized, and technologically advanced nature of society does not help combat this tendency. Luckily, there are currently 61 National Parks across the United States that can provide the change of environment and therapeutic experiences many of us subconsiously seek.
Bildergebnis für Karte von uns Nationalparks

While these protected areas may be a road trip away, the scenery, tranquility, and fresh air seldomly disappoint. To support this claim, meet the world's oldest plant, which serves as a key indicator of air quality and just so happens to provide more carbon offset than trees. Even amongst a forest floor full of decay, life finds a way to thrive.

Unsurprisingly, as I laid down during break passively enjoying my R&R, I had an epiphany: before I get back into the hustle and bustle of things, why not take some time to get off the beaten path, see some of America's preserved natural beauty, and take in some history at the same time? Without a second thought, I began my journey to the rugged Blue Ridge Mountains.
What can beat a $3 lunch during a roadtrip?

Would you not fill up your gas tank and drive a few hours for a view like this?
Imagine what this valley looked like before the addition of farms and country roads?

I hoped for more too

Just like my hopes to experience snow this winter, few things in life are certain. This applies to the nature too because just like the "Punta Ventana," a notorious and picturesque arch that was destroyed following a plethora of earthquakes that occurred in Puerto Rico this winter, there are no guarentees that these natural wonders will be here tomorrow.
Bildergebnis für Punta Ventana vor und nach dem Erdbeben

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