Other Exchange Blogs

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Where Now?

First off I want give a sincere Thank You to everyone who made the trip to Canada great and who supported and showed up to my party. Took a bit to get there, but the trip was thoroughly enjoyed and seeing/ spending time with you all made my summer (and it isn't even over yet.)

Where to next? well you will just have to stay tuned!

You mean no 5'oclock traffic?

The blueberries weren't out yet, but at least these guys were around

Just something about a country lifestyle that makes you happy

It was all gone so fast 

When you realize afterwards that you didn't photograph your food

Looking a little thirsty

I was... pretty stoked to see a few bees buzzing

Back to Deutschland???

Peggy's Cove was nice and all, but we couldn't stop there... we had to drive down the coast just a little more

The 3 churches of Mahone Bay standing tall
Next was Lunenburg. Which surprising made me feel as if I was back in Europe. The history, the architecture of some of the buildings and just the setup of the town around the harbour

It would turn out to be a pretty sunny day

The terrain was more hilly than I had imagined

The colorful houses give off such a positive vibe

Unfortunately we missed the Bluenose

Old Canadian Flag dates the ship 

Memorials such as these were a surprising sight

A view of Lunenburg 

I highly recommend checking out the UNESCO town and, if you have time, be sure to get some fish and chips from the harbour

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Peggy's Cove

Mom said we had to come here.. I can say firsthand that it was worth the drive. So many scenic views as we drove the coastline. I honestly didn't think it would be so beautiful.

They say Minnesota has 10,000 lakes... check this place out

Any Cove's out there that need discovering?

Peek-a-bo I [almost] see you

Europe still has me in love with churches

Turn your head sideways for a new persective

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O say can you see
Worth each minute I spent lying on the rock

Knowing millions of years are at work here.. humbling

And yet.. people play on black rocks smh

Sometimes the best pictures surprise us

A picture is worth a million words

Summer 2k16 kickoff

Finally back! Summer 2k16 has truly begun

After quite the experience in Toronto's Customs and meeting my steps goal for the day after all the walking I did at that airport we had our first layover.  We ate lunch with the Habs and French Canadians, heard the news of the Subban trade to Nashville (they will be dangerous next season) and then took the last leg of the flight to Halifax

Tiring would be an understatement, but it was worth it, and I must say that after stepping foot in all those different places and for me personally spending time in a french first world; even if I could go back I wouldn't have traded it for a longer flight.. If anything I would have wanted a longer layover.

In Canada for Canada Day

It amazes me how the brain works over the long run; remembering somethings while discarding others. Just a little bit of time back in a place seems to bring so much back to memory and create a sense of normality again.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Pflanzen aus der Mojave und Colorado Wüsten

I never envisioned that I would stop and photograph so many flowers during a trip. I personally am more of a landscape person, however sometimes we also have to pay respect to the little things as well. 

Somethings are just posing for pictures

Beavertail Cactus


Barrel Cactus

A Joshua Tree beginning to bloom
What's the point of snapping photos just to snap if you still don't ever understand where you where and why the land is the way it is. The Desert as dry, hot and unforgiving as it can be holds many jewels and in my opinion is a very tranquil and relaxing environment free from the hustle and bustle of city life and monetary drive.

Flowers or communal weeds?

Mojave Yucca

Cholla Catus. The lighter the fingers; the more water 

A blooming Ocotillo. Trademark of the Colorado Desert

Blooming Yucca

Another variation of the Cholla Cactus

Cohabitation by choice or by necessity?

So I leave you with one thought. Is this (in your opinion) a repetitive display of  cacti and brush in an inhospitable environment or nature at work creating a seamingly perfectly arranged display of flora in a biome that although harsh for some is key to the survival of many other organisms? 

Where Two Worlds Meet

That is right. No April fools joke ahah.

 This next segment comes to you from both the Mojave and Colorado Deserts (No not the State of Colorado, but instead a Desert that is sandwhiched between the coastal ranges of California, and the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts).
Seems like the Sidekick and I was intrigued by something
How can you possibly be two places at once you may wonder? Well.. Joshua Tree National Park covers an are of California that spans from part of the Mojave down into the Colorado desert which sits at a much lower elevation. This ecosystem that many people would expect to be barren is actually teeming with biodiversity.

Can anyone spot the animal?

This was an unexpected find

There is no suprise why the Mojave is called the "high desert"

Hey there little guy!

Did I mention that we became Junior Rangers for yet another National Park? I highly encourage any visitor at least try it out. For one it is educational and teaches you a lot about the individual park and secondly it makes you look for things that you otherwise would've never searched for.

Stay tuned for more!